The 11 Golden Rules of Crypto Trading

Marko Vidrih
5 min readJun 10, 2018

How do I earn money with Bitcoin? Where is the money in the crypto world? The answer: you need rules. I have collected the most delicious wisdom from countless trading literature, screened and baked to 11 golden rules.

1. There is no win-win situation in crypto trading

Remember the see-saw at the schoolyard. Two kids rock up and down. There are two states: either one child is down and the other is up. Or they balance quite hard in the middle. This is how trading works. Sometimes nothing happens and the courses are very balanced in the middle. But every time a trader makes a profit, another suffers a loss. The rocker can not be up on both sides. Simple physics. The question is: why do you think you are better than your counterpart?

2. Crypto trading is war

In state-organized fighting there is the term “fog of war”. The general does not see the entire map, but only what is before his eyes. He has to make decisions with incomplete information. That’s the way it is in trading. Individual traders are always on the wrong side of the asymmetry. There are so-called whales — they have so much crypto that they can change the course with a trade. But only the whale knows when it does. If a (real or fake) message drives the price, we usually find it too late. In the…



Marko Vidrih

Most writers waste tremendous words to say nothing. I’m not one of them.